Saturday 7 May 2011

Tomorrow, I Walk a Marathon raise money for the Birmingham Children's Hospital, as part of BRMB's Walkathon, as I mentioned here.

I meant to train, but time got away from me; I had coursework to complete, work, krav...I've been running to stay in the same place for a while. Speaking of running, I haven't done that in about two months, either. And now the Walkathon is tomorrow, and I worked today. It's half past eleven, and I've been home for less than an hour so far, after spending six hours on my feet.

I've prepared a little. My clothes, safety pins, number, and letter are all laid out, ready for morning. I have lucozade, soya nuts, and a stack of PB&Js to eat during the walk. My alarm clock is set (for 6:30am!), and the first season of Glee came in the post this morning, because you know I'm going to lie in bed watching it on Monday with a big bowl of ice cream (which is in the freezer - I made it yesterday!).  I spent the last half an hour or so making my breakfast for tomorrow (homemade baked beans, which I can just microwave in the morning, with a few vegan sausages), and packing up my bag.

Right now, I'm tucked in with Atlas Shrugged, three bourbon biscuits, and a glass of soya milk. When I think about tomorrow, my brain just shuts down. I'm going to try to get some sleep.

Wish me luck!

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